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9 out of 10 consumers say they have a negative opinion about businesses that do not have clean facilities.The reality is that it doesn’t matter how good your service is or how friendly the staff are. In the end, what the customer will take as a final impression is the set of experiences they had in your company.  And in that case, if the place is not clean enough for him to feel safe, that’s a problem.

Undoubtedly, from a customer’s perspective, a spotless hotel room, a shining restaurant, a clean salon or office will provide a pleasant experience and a feeling of care and security.

Does cleanliness matter to customers?

With a complete set of positive experiences, this customer is much more likely to want to return to his business,more specifically, for 92% of them.

According to a survey, 90% of respondents stated that they leave with a bad impression of places that have recreational areas, bathrooms, lounge or unhygienic receptions.

Still in that survey, 96% of local business customers said they would request a new room if their bed in a hotel was not clean. And in the case of restaurants, almost 90% of customers said they were concerned about the safety of the food being served, after observing a dirty place. This is why you should keep rubbish removal Sydney services by your side.


Cleaning restaurants

When asked again about restaurants, 92% of customers replied that finding a poorly washed dish would make them wonder what else is not cleaned on site.

Many customers even indicated that they would leave a negative comment or review about the problem on the internet. And they said that if they read a negative comment about cleaning a place on the internet, they would stop going or using his services.

Positive outlook

But the study still brings good news, 95% of consumers agree that cleaning can take a good deal to the optimum level. In the case of restaurants, 92% say they would recommend places that are really clean to friends. Still, 74% say they wouldn’t be bothered by slower services if the place was really clean.

Bar restaurant hygiene cleaning

Looking at the numbers found in the survey, it is clear how hygiene and cleanliness are fundamental factors for customer satisfaction. We generally do not consider the magnitude of this importance, but these findings can show owners and managers the impact that cleaning actions can have.

This shows that it doesn’t really matter the size of the business, experiences affect the customer’s perspective of your business.

And it’s not just that, considering customers who have a good experience and want to come back, cleaning becomes even a revenue generator. Considering that without it, that customer would prefer another business that would offer him a better and more complete experience.

How to improve the customer experience?

To start the job of taking your business from good to great is easy. Here’s how to do it:

  • Set up a cleaning schedule or schedule
  • Hygiene plans are daily, weekly or monthly cleaning plans for you to be able to organize your trade with greater practicality.